Custom Push Notifications

2022-11-14 01:37 PM by Bollgringo–  1m read

“Nothing every moves unless you push it” - Ed. Rasala

Long awaited and finally here!

We are happy to announce that from now on, you can send custom push notifications to your users. Whether you want to inform your users about the latest news, or the last chance for a deal, with the help of push messages you can reach them directly and immediately.

Sending notifications to your users and customizing them to your needs is a breeze and gives you the ability to share important information with users without them having to open your app.

You can address an individual user, a group of them, or your entire community at once.

Interested in how to do that exactly? Then check out our Academy here and learn in full detail what you need to consider. As already mentioned: it's quite easy to use

If you have any questions about sending custom push notifications or have suggestions for improvement, just post it here in the comments.

We will answer you as soon as possible and will be glad to help you!

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