Creator Productivity

How Content Creators can Overcome “Creator's Block”

 by ACE Intern–  5m read

On the latest Ask a Creator Economist episode, we answered Aaliyah's question on coming up with fresh content ideas. We asked our ACE Intern to distill our conversation into a blogpost.

As a digital content creator, coming up with fresh content ideas can be challenging. With the pressure to engage your audience while staying true to yourself, it's easy to feel like you're running out of ideas. Fortunately, there are several ways to overcome writer's block and keep your content fresh and engaging.

1. Use AI to Generate Topics

One way to generate content ideas is through the use of AI. Platforms such as ChatGPT allow you to input prompts and receive a list of questions related to your niche. While AI-generated questions may not always be perfect, they can help spark new ideas and provide a fresh perspective on your content. We covered this in more depth over here.

2. Analyze Your Competitors

Another way to generate content ideas is to analyze your "competitors". Look at other creators in your niche and see what types of content they're producing. While it's not a good idea to simply copy someone else's work, analyzing it can help you identify gaps in the market and provide new ideas and inspiration for your content. Also, don't stay only within your own niche. Also look at what works in other domains and see if that could be adapted to your world.

3. Crowdsource Content Ideas

Your audience can be a valuable resource when it comes to generating content ideas. By asking your followers what types of content they'd like to see, you can ensure that you're creating content that resonates with your audience. You can also use solutions like our Unyfy to host votings, ask-me-anything sessions, and ideation missions to gather input from your audience.

4. Specialize in a Niche

With so many aspriring creators around, it can be challenging to stand out. This is especially true in crowded domains such as fashion and lifestyle. This is where further specializing within a niche, i.e. finding a micro-niche, can be beneficial. By focusing on a specific topic within your niche, you can become an expert in that area and differentiate yourself from other creators. For example, if you - like Aaliyah who asked the original question we discussed on the Ask a Creator Economist podcast - are a fashion-focused creator, you might want to consider topics such as sustainable fashion, high-tech materials, or fashion industry economics. By specializing in a niche, you can also expand your content portfolio beyond outfit postings and day-in-the-life videos by introducing formats like interview podcasts or even articles.

5. Combine Different Topics

Combining different topics is another way to keep your content fresh and engaging. For example, you could combine fashion and indoor planting to create something pretty unique. In doing so, you can find a sweet spot that nobody occupies. By combining topics that are only loosely connected, you can find people from different interest-communities, increasing your total addressable market.

6. Find Your Unfair Advantage

To truly stand out from your competition, you need to find your unfair advantage. This could be your expertise in a certain area, your unique perspective, or your ability to combine different topics in a creative way. By identifying your unfair advantage, you can create content that only you can produce.

7. Enjoy What You Do

Last but not least, it's important to enjoy what you do. If you're not passionate about your content, it will show in your work. Choose topics that you enjoy, and find ways to make your content creation process fun and engaging.

In conclusion, overcoming creator's block as an influencer requires creativity, research, and a willingness to try new things. By using AI to generate questions, analyzing your competitors, crowdsourcing content ideas, specializing in a niche, combining different topics, finding your unfair advantage, and enjoying what you do, you can create fresh and engaging content that resonates with your audience.

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Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

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